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A Star is Born

















In September 2010 Paulina Jones lost her grandson Max 7 months into her daughter's pregnancy. She also experienced the loss of another grand child through miscarriage. This profound loss & the realisation that there is no specific aftercare support for families who go through this trauma, inspired her to give up 30 years of working in the mental health sector to using all of her skills including NLP(Neuro Linguistic Programming) & EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) & help families who have been through such loss.

Paulina opened Capella Health & Wellbeing Centre in Stalham with the idea of creating a safe & private space for the parents going through these traumas. Capella is made up of two of the brightest shining stars in the constallation of Auriga. These for Paulina represents both grand childrens'  bright shining energy within the universe.


February 2013 Paulina treated Samantha Cullingford who had been through 5 recurrent miscarriages. Samantha had been working in the complementary health industry for 12 years.


Paulina & Samantha decided their main aim would be to help the families who have lost a baby during or after pregnancy & to bring awareness of the support available for pataients within NHS & private hospitals, filling the void in aftecare.


Thinking how Max was a shinning star in the sky & that Samantha's babies energies were in the universe, Paulina came up with the name STARIA. Then a logo was needed representing the 8 "stars" which was kindly created by an anonynmous person who they send great thanks to. 


And so a star has been born which will hopefully ignite a tiny spark of light for the parents who are mourning the loss of their baby providing comfort & support. 


STARIA , at present, is a network of therapists who have an interest in helping people that have been affected by loss through miscarriage, still birth or neonatal death. STARIA  does not receive any form of funding. For further information see our treatments page.




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