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When Paulina Jones experienced the loss of her grandson Max, 7 months into her daughter's pregnancy, she had to deal with not only her own grief but that of her daughter. They were both shocked by the lack of support available for such a deep trauma that Paulina was inspired to make a change. This led to the opening of Capella Wellbeing Centre which is named after the two golden stars in the constellation of Auriga. These two stars represent for her, Max & also a second grandchild that was lost to miscarriage.


Paulina has been a nurse in conventional medicine for 28 years. Her experience includes working with the mental health section of the NHS and with agencies which support people with disabilities. She has offered healing therapies at several centres in and around Norwich and she has worked with a women’s retreat centre in North Norfolk. Paulina believes strongly that alternative therapies and traditional medicine complement each other and combine to create wellbeing.


Paulina will offer healing therapies to those bereaved by miscarriages and offer one-to-one counselling or groups where parents can work towards coming to terms with their loss within a supportive and understanding environment. Paulina will also offer plenty of information for families struggling with the aftermath of miscarriage. ‘We found after the miscarriages in our family that it was hard to get information and support,’ she said. ‘So I am really driven to offer this help.’

More information about Paulina can be found at

Paulina Jones



Samantha Cullingford



Samantha had a fifth miscarriage in December 2012 at 15 weeks, then she was introduced to Paulina Jones.  Between miscarriages Samantha had been able to use meditation to help her to deal with how she felt afterwards, however, by the 5th one, support was needed to help her heal.  

Her first treatment with Paulina was amazing and completely transformed the way she felt. Samantha says she was very grateful because at the same time as seeing Paulina, she was on a spiritual healing course with  Sue Watling & a crystal therapy course with Lisa Cooley.  So the combination of these with Paulina's work and her meditation group, enabled her to view the situation in a positive way.  Samantha did go on to have two more miscarriages but by using EFT and having support, the whole process was managed more easily.  Post mortem and scan results showed that Samantha was producing blood clots in the placenta and so was referred to St Mary's hospital in London.
Repeated blood tests prior to this knowledge showed no clotting disorders. St Mary's explained that 25% of the patients they see only have blood clotting problems during pregnancy.  If you or someone you know has experienced recurrent miscarriages then it would be worth speaking to a GP or consultant about this.

It was publicised in September 2013 that some women have Natural Killer Cells in their system which stop a pregnancy from carrying on. Scientists are now working out what these cells are fighting in the body. Mr Hassan Shehata of the Miscarriage Clinic works with women who have gone through recurrent miscarriages that have a high level of NK cells.

Samantha offers a variety of treatments including reflexology, crystal therapy, reiki, massage & meditation groups. Please visit her website for more infoirmation.


Sonia Tilcock

My name is Sonia Tillcock, I am a qualified Reflexologist. My journey with Staria is a relatively new one, however, I have known Samantha for many years.  I have experienced a miscarriage back in 2008 I was at 6/7 weeks.  I was in a particular odd situation as my husband and I believed that we could never have children naturally as our son was born with the help of ICSI (IVF) back in 2006.  So the positive pregnancy test just as we were finalising our house sale and purchase was a complete shock to say the least.  Completely dumbfounded.....we thought it was a miracle as well as panic and how could it have happened.  So when I started to bleed a day before our move I was devastated.  We hadn't shared it with any of our families as we were still trying to come to terms with it ourselves so I suffered in silence as we appeared to be happily moving house and settled into our new home.


I understand the feeling of loss and emptiness, 'why me', and devastation felt when experiencing miscarriage.  Although I wasn't in a lot of pain (that I know is felt by many) I did feel my loss physically.  Everyone around you seems to be having babies no problems at all, or are almost ready to give birth.  The ironic thing was that our new neighbours were due any day to have their first child and never knew what we were going through.  As I had never been though this before I went to the Doctors and she said just to let the miscarriage happen naturally and if I got any problems to come back.  That was that, I went on my way.  This is where my interest in holistic therapies started, I tried to deal with things myself as my husband and I struggled along trying to reconcile what had happened and how to move forward. 


A few years later this lead me to Crystal Healing with Samantha and eventually to qualify in reflexology and reiki so I can help others who have been in this situation.  My vision is to help those who have experienced this to come to terms with their loss through reflexology treatments and in time heal themselves.

To contact Sonia visit

Michelle Williamson

Michelle started healing and meditations 20 years ago. She went to a crystal healer who enabled her to feel supported and rebalanced, nurtured and safe during her first pregnancy. 

Her next experience of crystal healing was when she miscarried her 3rd baby and felt very much in need of support and balancing again. Her traumatic experience along with the lack of after care, left her feeling numb and in deep shock. This is where crystal therapy came in and started her onto the road of recovery. Crystal healing lightened her mood so that she became what she would class as whole again. 

Michelle has been interested in crystal therapy since the age of twenty. Through her own experiences of having healings and the great results it had on her, she decided to combine crystal and natural healing treatments to help others.


Natural Healing Therapist 

This healing process is working with the Natural Universal Energies connecting with the Angelic Realm and use of the Tarot. This works at a deeper physical level of any parts of the body that need that extra healing and nurturing. This treatment works along side medical care from your GP.

Michelle also works along side Samantha facillitating Self - Love workshops.

To contact Michelle, or find out more information visit

Sam Felix-Hall

My name is Sam Felix-Hall and I am a Person-centred Counsellor who will offer you a confidential space in which you are able to explore any difficulties , issues and concerns you may be facing within a non-judgemental environment.
Every persons situation is individual and unique to them, particularly when the anticipation of such a joyous event is supplanted by despair and confusion.  Therefore I will work alongside you offering you a  supportive environment whilst allowing you valuable time to talk to somebody out of your immediate circle of family and friends throughout the severe emotional stress and difficulties encouraging you to explore your concerns and choices.

To contact Sam call 07500164420 or email

Bo Mander

Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine) has 2000 years of practical application in treating many different conditions including infertility in both males and females.  Unlike conventional medicine, Chinese medicine is holistic with few side effects and little risk. It focuses on the patient’s general health as well enhancing the energy within the reproductive organs.  Acupuncture treatments usually work on specific channels and points by using very fine disposable needles to stimulate energy flow and to regain the natural homeostasis.  Patients may or may not feel the insertion of needles but there is usually little or no sensation once they are in.


Chinese Herbal Medicine is well known in China to treat infertility and it works well with Acupuncture.  Bo only uses herbs which are supplied by Chinese Herbal Medicine companies approved by the Register of Chinese Herbal medicine (RCHM).  No animal products are used.


Bo is a member of the British Acupuncture Council and a council member of RCHM.

To find out more about Bo please visit

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